Sophia’s 1-Year Graduate Journey with Obsequio Group

Posted On 02.08.2024

Today, we celebrate Sophia Blair’s remarkable first year with the Obsequio Group. Her journey has been one of growth, learning and impressive achievements, highlighting her passion for her role as a graduate bid writer. Here’s a glimpse into her life and experiences at the Obsequio Group over the past year.

Embracing a New Industry

Sophia’s entry into the fire safety industry was not something she initially envisioned for herself. However, as she developed in her position, her appreciation for the industry grew. “I think this past year has opened up a lot of opportunities for me,” she shares. “It’s a really important industry to make known, and it isn’t very well known.”

A Day in the Life of a Graduate Bid Writer

Sophia’s days are a blend of research, writing and collaboration. “A typical day involves searching for new tenders that apply to our business, going through emails, and collaborating with subsidiaries. Mostly, it’s about writing and ensuring quality,” she explains. Currently, Sophia is also working on her APMP Foundation course, a step towards further professional development.

Exciting Projects and Memorable Wins

Sophia has worked on numerous exciting projects, including Royal Holloway with Drax 360 and New Bedford College. One of her most memorable achievements was winning her first tender for Dixon’s College for CDS within three months of joining. “Winning Dixon’s was a huge accomplishment for me. It was my first win, and I was super excited,” she recalls.

Continuous Growth and Increased Responsibilities

Sophia’s role has evolved significantly since she started. Initially focused on learning the ropes of bid writing, she now collaborates with various subsidiaries and even manages the department in her manager’s absence. “My development has soared, and I’m trusted with a lot more responsibilities. I’m also working to increase our collaboration with the education sector,” she notes.

A Supportive and Collaborative Culture

Sophia praises the collaborative and open culture at the Obsequio Group. “Every sector works together, and that’s what I really like. We all have a part to play, and there’s no standoffish element. It’s a very innovative environment where everyone’s opinions and ideas are valued,” she says.

The Impact of Colleague and Manager Support

Sophia attributes much of her growth to the incredible support from her colleagues and manager, Nigel Smith. “I have the best manager in the whole world. He’s been so amazing for my development, always encouraging me to do my best and looking out for my well-being,” she shares.

Feeling Valued and Appreciated

One significant moment when Sophia felt particularly valued was completing the ESOS reports for Genex. “It was a last-minute task and I managed to reformat and edit all the reports within a month. The appreciation I received was wonderful and made me feel truly valued,” she remembers.

Training and Development Opportunities

Sophia has had access to various training and development opportunities, including training at Honeywell’s head office and Drax’s CPD courses. She is currently pursuing her APMP Foundation course, which will provide a strong foundation for her career.

Future Aspirations

Looking ahead, Sophia hopes to grow with the Obsequio Group. “This company is growing quickly, and I hope to grow and develop with it. I aim to eventually manage my own team and continuously build my technical knowledge and expertise,” she says.

Why the Obsequio Group Stands Out

For Sophia, the Obsequio Group stands out due to its collaborative culture and openness to new ideas. “Everyone’s voice is heard, and there’s always an opportunity to share your thoughts. The management systems are excellent, and I wouldn’t want to work anywhere else,” she concludes.

Jeni McLaren, Obsequio Group’s Head of People added “it’s great to see such positive feedback from one of our graduates after a full year in our programme. We want to encourage graduates, apprentices and in fact, any applicant at the foot of their career ladder. We are looking for candidates that want to develop with us and in return, we offer progression, exposure and benefits for those wanting to succeed and it’s great to see that in Sophia’s journey with us.”

Over the past year, Sophia’s journey has been nothing short of inspiring. Her dedication, enthusiasm, and continuous growth make her a valued member of the Obsequio Group and here’s to many more successful years ahead for Sophia!

if you are interested in a graduate opportunity at Obsequio Group, simply reach out to one of our team at